Banana Leaf Collective

Banana Leaf Collective is a Twin Cities based network of creative people exploring practices of storytelling, mutual aid, and community building.

Who we are

Banana Leaf Collective (BLC) aims to create spaces that nurture its members’ creativity and ambitions through collaboration. We welcome members in a wide range of disciplines including graphic design, videography, public history, and publishing.


What we do

Collective members host public events in our Northeast Minneapolis studio space. Recent events include a film screening, zine release party, and performance showcase.

Check out our zines!

In January 2022, we published our first issue featuring interviews, photos, illustrations, personal essays, and project ideas. Since then, we’ve published three more! You can order them in our shop or at in-person pop-ups, or read online for free.

Hire us

Collective members are open to client-based services and collaborative projects. Our members bring skill in graphic design, photography, videography, illustration, art direction, public writing, and research.